Self Portraits part 1: An ongoing study

I have been taking my self portrait for as long as I have had a camera. Mainly compelled by my urge to photograph someone and not having a subject on hand. Also, to experiment and try things out. Here are a handful of portraits.

I have a list, a massive list of locations I have collected along the way for potential photoshoots. The natural beauty of the trails by the Grand River, a laundry mat, and this tunnel/walkway in downtown Kitchener sparked my interest and creativity. I also love playing with coloured gels and different types of artificial light. There are endless possibilities and moments. I am thrilled to have relocated to Nova Scotia where my list is now expanding beyond measure! Nothing like transplanting yourself to a new province to ignite inspiration.

Monochromatic is one of my favourite forms of photography. There is a mood and drama that unfold, a timeless quality. Using long exposures and playing with second curtain sync in my flash creates a cool effect, great for wedding receptions. Using direct light and a piece of lace in the front of my flash helped to create the lovely shadows on my face in the second image.

There are so many more self portraits to share, one day I hope to do a gallery show with them all. An unfolding life long experiment. Photography is such a major part of my being, my mind is in constant photography mode. It never stops and I’m pretty sure it never will, and I’m so okay with that.

Mirror Form Photography